Language selection


CART Services and Sign Language Interpreters (SLI)

The most common accommodations for meetings or events are computer-assisted real-time transcription (CART) and interpretation services.

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Important to consider that people who are culturally Deaf, may prefer to have sign language interpreters because their first language is likely American Sign Language (ASL – English) or Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ), but do not assume this. Ask them what their preferred accommodation would be. Indeed, there are people who have become deaf later in life and have not learned to communicate by ASL or LSQ.

Communication Access Real-Time (CART)

Sign Language Interpreters

SLI are booked two different ways – through the Translation Bureau or external suppliers.

Translation Bureau

  • You can book the Sign Language interpreter by visiting the Translation Bureau’s site Sign language interpretation and oral transliteration services Internal link.
  • * SLI booked through the Translation Bureau at Public Services and Procurement Canada is at no cost (with some exceptions) however, there may be cancellation fees. * These are booked as soon as possible, with at minimum 5 business days advance to ensure availability of interpreters. * Notice of at least **two full working days**must be provided if all or part of the event is cancelled or the dates or times are changed to avoid the Bureau charging for the interpreters’ fees.

    External Suppliers

    ESDC works with two primary sign language interpretation providers.

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